Cozy advent times!

We already crossed 3rd advent now. While November is a period of complaining for weather, December comes with a reason to make cozy atmosphere and wait for more light. It is a constant fight between rain and snow with mercury fluctuating from -5 to +5 degrees here in middle part of Sweden. Candles, advent decorations,... Continue Reading →

When Lucia came to my everyday train!

It is a high time in Sweden for Lucia celebration. This Italian saint is much celebrated here on every 13th December. While I gathered and shared short note on Lucia last year, I was yet to experience it. Sweden made it sure that I do get a glimpse of it a bit in advance this... Continue Reading →

Here comes the first Advent..

Advent- which simply means 'arrival' is the time when the countdown for Christmas begins. It starts from the fourth Sunday before Christmas and so today is the first advent. Here in Sweden, many people were taking out Christmas decorations already from last week.. While the official advent Sunday is today, I already saw beautiful ljusstake... Continue Reading →

The Swedish Christmas- Julfirande

Another year is about to get over with lights of christmas. As in my earlier post, I was super excited with the first snow in my city. But there is no much snow after that till christmas 😦 However there is so much new and fun to see at this time in Sweden. Personally I have not celebrated... Continue Reading →

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